пʼятницю, 13 листопада 2015 р.

Committing to Your New Language

Part 3 of 3: Committing to Your New Language

  1. Learn English Step 13
    Stay motivated. When learning any new language, it is important to stay motivated and never give up on your goal of fluency.
    • Stay committed to your language-learning goal by reminding yourself of how badly you want to achieve it. Think of all of the amazing experiences and opportunities that will be available to you once you've mastered the English language.
    • You will be able to converse with English speakers from across the world and develop new and exciting relationships, you will be able to engage with English-speaking culture like never before and potentially further your career as a result of your new language skills.
  2. Learn English Step 16
    Practice every day. If you want to to gain fluency quickly, you need to commit to practicing every day.
    • Learning a new language is based on repetition, so if you wait too long between study sessions, you will forget everything you learned previously and have to start all over again, wasting valuable time.
    • However, you shouldn't study so much that you grow sick of English -- try to keep things interesting by completing a different task each day - one day of reading, one day of listening comprehension, one day of writing practice, one day studying grammar, etc.
    • However, you should never pass up an opportunity to practice speakingEnglish, as this is the number one most important thing you can do to gain fluency.
  3. Learn English Step 15
    Train yourself to think in English. One way to make the transition from beingvery good at English to being fluent is to train your brain to actually think in the English language.
    • Constantly translating from your native language into English and back again inside your head consumes time and energy. Every language has its own nuances and peculiarities, which makes it impossible to accurately translate from one language to another in certain instances.
    • As a result, your spoken and written English will flow much more naturally and fluently if you can just train your brain to think in English. Think of it like a switch -- when it's time to communicate in English, you need to turn your English brain on and your mother language brain off!
  4. Learn English Step 08
    Make friends with English speakers. One of the greatest tests of a person's fluency in a second language is to put them in a room with a bunch of native speakers and see if they can follow and contribute to the conversation.
    • The best way to achieve this level of fluency is to make some English-speaking friends and hang out with them in a social setting, like in a cafe or bar.
    • This way, you will be forced to speak in English if you want to interact with your peers, but it won't feel like work or study because you'll be having so much fun!
  5. Learn English Step 09
    Don't be afraid to make mistakes. The biggest obstacle that stands in the way of learning a new language is the fear of making mistakes.
    • This fear serves no purpose -- it is merely a hindrance that prevents you from reaching your goal of fluency.
    • Don't be afraid of making a mistake and don't be shy! Of course you can't speak a new language perfectly at the start. Try to express yourself albeit with difficulty.
    • Remember that everyone makes mistakes when they are learning a new language -- it's a rite of passage. You will almost certainly have your fair share of awkward or embarrassing moments when you accidentally say something rude or incorrect, but this is all part of the fun.
    • Also remember that you are not aiming for perfection when learning to speak English, you are aiming for progress. Making mistakes is all part of the learning process, they will help you to become better, so embrace them!

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